
Provided a contractor’s baseline and update schedules, change order request and general site supervision on a cement storage and distribution center in Mobile.

Building Construction


Provided a contractor’s baseline and update schedules, change order request and general site supervision on a cement storage and distribution center in Mobile.

Building Construction


Prepared change order requests and general site supervision on various tilt-up concrete warehouse/office build outs in Atlanta.

Building Construction


Provided litigation support services for a $3 million real estate development project. Created as-planned and as-built CPM schedules for delay and acceleration evaluations including extensive analysis of weather delays.

Building Construction


Provided cost estimate analysis and contract analysis for a single family luxury custom home located on the Florida coast.

Building Construction


Provided analysis and review of delay claims that a contractor submitted due to soil contamination caused by underground gasoline tanks on a federal courthouse project.

Building Construction


Furnished CPM scheduling service for a building contractor on the High Museum of Art expansion project in Atlanta.


Experience Matters

Our experts are ready to help.

Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.