
Damages expert for a material manufacturer vs. a general contractor regarding alleged defects and repair costs on a large condominium construction project. The engagement comprised the evaluation and rebuttal of the plaintiff’s costs and damage allocations to the parties, the preparation of alternative damages quantifications based upon several different causation and entitlement theories, and expert testimony.

Building Construction


Damages expert for a material manufacturer vs. a general contractor regarding alleged defects and repair costs on a large condominium construction project. The engagement comprised the evaluation and rebuttal of the plaintiff’s costs and damage allocations to the parties, the preparation of alternative damages quantifications based upon several different causation and entitlement theories, and expert testimony.

Building Construction

Alberta, Canada

Performed a high-level review of an insurer's flood and fire analysis spreadsheets. Assessed reasons for claimed cost denials and/or reductions and reviewed documentation to preliminarily address cost denials and/or reductions. Developed a rebuttal report to claimed cost denials and reductions for a 237-bed, long-term-care living/nursing facility.

Building Construction


Assessed delays concerning the construction of a multi-story residential building in Chicago, Illinois, on behalf of a prime contractor, who was seeking delay and other damages against one of its subcontractors. Provided delay analyses and opinions regarding issues that the contractor identified that caused impacts to the project’s final completion milestones and that the subcontractor allegedly caused. The assessment identified which delays were attributable to the subcontractor’s actions or inactions and quantified the number of days for which the prime contractor was entitled to related damages. Based on the damage categories that the prime contractor identified that it suffered as a result of the delays its subcontractor caused, performed analyses and quantified the overall damage amounts, including direct and indirect costs.

Building Construction


On behalf of an apartment building owner, performed an assessment to determine whether a contractor met its contractual and/or industry standard of care obligations associated with project management, project schedule development and progress updating, and construction management. Also prepared a schedule delay analysis of the project to identify delays to the project substantial completion date, determined their causes, and allocated responsibility for each delay to the parties. Prepared an expert report of findings and opinions.

Building Construction


On behalf of a drywall and painting subcontractor, provided analysis and quantification of schedule delay, labor productivity loss, and other damage resulting from change orders on a commercial facility in Colorado. Prepared and submitted an expert report. Parties settled prior to arbitration.

Building Construction


On behalf of a contractor and underwriter, analyzed reduced operating cash flows for a mixed-use building, including $5.1 million in damages claimed by the plaintiffs for alleged loss of profits related to the conversion of the apartment units to an independent living facility.


Experience Matters

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Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.