
On behalf of a nuclear stem system licensor and supplier, analyzed schedule delay, productivity loss, and direct damages totaling over $1 billion allegedly resulting from problems related to hydrodynamic loads on a nuclear power plant reactor building. Developed a document database comprising hundreds of thousands of documents, and managed the technical experts providing the design analysis.



On behalf of a nuclear stem system licensor and supplier, analyzed schedule delay, productivity loss, and direct damages totaling over $1 billion allegedly resulting from problems related to hydrodynamic loads on a nuclear power plant reactor building. Developed a document database comprising hundreds of thousands of documents, and managed the technical experts providing the design analysis.


Ontario, Canada

Assisted an owner in performing its due diligence of cost estimates and schedules by: (a) validating that the estimations of asset management costs were based on a “Class 2” estimate as defined by the Association of Advancement of Cost Engineering International (AACEI) and (b) reviewing refurbishment schedules to ensure that there were no contingencies in the integrated base schedule.


Ontario, Canada

On behalf of the Ontario Provincial Government, evaluated delays to the restart of a power plant unit at a nuclear power electricity generation station located in northwest Ontario. The operator of the nuclear unit suffered a force majeure outage and, as a result, was entitled to balancing payments from the Ontario Government while the unit was being repaired and restarted. The provincial government was concerned that the delays that the unit operator experienced were excessively long. Evaluated whether the operator managed the unit’s outage schedule in the most efficient manner.


New Brunswick, Canada

On behalf of underwriters, as a result of a potentially insured event, evaluated whether other causes of schedule delay to the shutdown and refueling of a nuclear power plant would have caused concurrent delays to the project. Participated as a member of the Loss Adjuster’s Team of experts concerning a $140 million property damage claim and a $255 million delayed start-up claim. Evaluated Primavera schedules, analyzed opposing expert’s reports, and provided support to loss adjusters, counsel, and underwriters at market meetings.


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Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.