
On behalf of an insurance carrier, prepared an expert report for a case before the Superior Court of Ontario pertaining to the cost of construction to complete a residence in Metcalfe, Ontario, Canada. Reviewed, analyzed, and commented on the plaintiff’s expert report. Developed an estimated construction cost analysis for the scope of work presented by plaintiff’s expert. Opined on whether individual scopes of work provided by the plaintiff were a part of the completion of the house or an enhancement of the house.

Building Construction

Ontario, Canada

On behalf of an insurance carrier, prepared an expert report for a case before the Superior Court of Ontario pertaining to the cost of construction to complete a residence in Metcalfe, Ontario, Canada. Reviewed, analyzed, and commented on the plaintiff’s expert report. Developed an estimated construction cost analysis for the scope of work presented by plaintiff’s expert. Opined on whether individual scopes of work provided by the plaintiff were a part of the completion of the house or an enhancement of the house.



On behalf of an African country, provided a rebuttal report and testimony in international arbitration regarding a claimant’s alleged value of its lost business opportunity after performing, at its own expense and risk, engineering and project development services for a port and rail project that it was not awarded. Evaluated the class of the claimant’s estimates of the project costs before and after it performed its de-risking of the project to lower project costs and determined that the estimates were inaccurate based on the information that was available to prepare the estimates. Thus, found that the claimant’s alleged project savings and its claim amount were speculative.

Gas, Gasification, GTL, LNG, and NGL

Middle East

On behalf of an owner, evaluated technical issues associated with the commissioning and start-up of an LNG facility.

Refineries, Petrochemical, and Chemical


On behalf of an owner, assessed delays to overall mechanical completion, delays to initial acceptance, defective works counterclaims, cost reduction claim, elements of technical design, cost and schedule overruns, and Ready For Start-Up (RFSU)/Commissioning delays. Prepared expert reports, expert reply reports, and joint expert reports for tribunal submission. Provided litigation support, including preparation of cross-examination questions, and testified in arbitration hearings.

Building Construction


On behalf of a structural steel fabrication and erection subcontractor, evaluated the merits of delay claims asserted against the general contractor and delay claims from the general contractor associated with a sports stadium constructed to open prior to the 2024 World Cup soccer tournament in Qatar.

Building Construction

British Columbia, Canada

On behalf of the owner, performed an independent review of the contractor’s delay claim related to curtain wall design, procurement, and construction for a high-end residential tower project. Prepared an expert report presenting findings and conclusions regarding the delay issues for the civil claim before the Supreme Court of British Columbia.


Experience Matters

Our experts are ready to help.

Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.