
On behalf of an engineering design and project management firm of a fuel oil and diesel oil bulk storage tank farm facility, evaluated and rebutted claims by the owner regarding alleged delays, loss of revenue, repair costs, and cost overruns caused by errors and omissions in design and negligence that hampered the safe and profitable operation of the storage facility. Prepared an expert report for submission to the Appeals Circuit at the Commercial Court of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, rebutting the engineering design and project management firm-caused design errors, omissions, and delays.

Refineries, Petrochemical, and Chemical

Saudi Arabia

On behalf of an engineering design and project management firm of a fuel oil and diesel oil bulk storage tank farm facility, evaluated and rebutted claims by the owner regarding alleged delays, loss of revenue, repair costs, and cost overruns caused by errors and omissions in design and negligence that hampered the safe and profitable operation of the storage facility. Prepared an expert report for submission to the Appeals Circuit at the Commercial Court of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, rebutting the engineering design and project management firm-caused design errors, omissions, and delays.



On behalf of an owner, evaluated a contractor’s expert report and €18 million delay and disruption claim concerning the replacement of emergency diesel generators on a nuclear power plant in Finland. Assessed the expert’s time extension analysis, which was found to lack an assessment of the critical path of the work. The claim was ultimately rejected.



On behalf of an owner, prepared and evaluated claims concerning the design and construction of one of Europe’s largest nuclear reactor and turbine generator facilities, involving multiple tranches of claims submitted over the course of several years. Conducted schedule delay and quantum analyses on approximately €3.6 billion in contractor claims and approximately €2 billion of owner counterclaims. Reviewed the merits of outstanding change orders that were part of the contractors’ claims. Assessed claims associated with loss of productivity, time-related costs, subcontractor pass-through costs, delayed and disputed payments, overhead, profit, and interest. Provided expert testimony concerning delays and quantum during arbitration proceedings held at the International Chamber of Commerce.


Saudi Arabia

On behalf of an EPCM contractor for the construction of two coal/oil-fired power plant projects in Saudi Arabia, provided claim support services concerning the owner’s denial of payment of final invoices and other costs associated with the EPCM contractor’s consulting works. The owner alleged that the EPCM contractor did not deliver technical documents such as plans, engineering drawings, computer network support services, and additional engineering support services. Supported the legal team’s preparation of the Statement of Claim submitted to the Riyadh Commercial Court concerning the EPCM contractor’s entitlement to additional payment. The court awarded a very favorable settlement to the EPCM contractor.


Saudi Arabia

On behalf of one of the consortium contractors, evaluated claims against the other consortium contractor associated with a power and desalination project in the Middle East. The power plant design involved a change from a sub-critical power block to high-efficiency super critical technology. Evaluated numerous claims involving disputed variation orders involving technical design, equipment supply, and construction issues, delay, and increased costs. Prepared an expert report in arbitration. Provided direct and cross-examination testimony at the arbitration hearings in Dubai, UAE.

Refineries, Petrochemical, and Chemical

Alberta, Canada

On behalf of an EPC contractor, analyzed change order, delay, and loss of productivity claims on a linear alpha olefin project.


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Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.