
Provided claims prevention training seminars for a mineral processing engineering firm in Denver, Tucson, and Mexico City. Recommended clauses to resolve potential inconsistencies, ambiguities, and conflicts. Prepared clauses for cost and schedule control procedures.

Mining and Mineral Processing


Provided claims prevention training seminars for a mineral processing engineering firm in Denver, Tucson, and Mexico City. Recommended clauses to resolve potential inconsistencies, ambiguities, and conflicts. Prepared clauses for cost and schedule control procedures.



The project centered on disputes between a major contractor and a mechanical/electrical subcontractor on alleged delay and disruption impacts during the construction of a 380 MW power facility due to alleged late information, delayed procurement, and changes. Project completion was significantly delayed, and the subcontractor claimed the contractor caused the negative schedule impacts, subsequently submitting a request for an equitable adjustment (REA) and filing for arbitration. Team leader engaged to consult on the main contractor’s defense of the claim both during the contract execution works and the post completion arbitration events. This involved day-to-day contract administration, claims preparation, and overall management of claims team, outside counsel, and experts.

Gas, Gasification, GTL, LNG, and NGL


The project involved the EPC of a greenfield LNG terminal including major berthing facilities and onshore storage, processing, and pumping services. Provided lead contract and claims support to the joint venture EPC contractor to ensure recovery of owner-caused impacts throughout the construction process. This involved managing and defending a major claim from the international earthworks subcontractor through litigation proceedings in both the U.S. and Mexico. The scope of work further involved detailed rebuttal of schedule, disruption, and damages analyses.


United Kingdom

On behalf of a government controlled nuclear management company, performed a third-party review and upgrade analyses of its bidding processes and contract conditions for the decommissioning and new construction of nuclear power plants. Reviewed the contract/bidding documents and provided an independent risk management report covering best practices, PMBOK application, project success goals, and general procedures for upgrading contractor performance.

Water, Wastewater, Dams, and Marine


The project centered on the EPC design/build of a state-of-the-art sewage treatment plant to replace an existing, overutilized facility in order to meet the current and future needs of the city. Due to site constraints, the plant involved stacking SBR’s on top of each other and building the new works parallel to maintaining the old plant prior to demolition. EU environmental regulations were critical to maintaining high standards of odor and treated water outputs. The plant ultimately failed to meet performance standards, was delayed in construction, and had operational issues for the local residential areas. Engaged to provide support in developing the main contractor’s construction claims (in conjunction with the main contractor’s consortium partners) against the owner and assist with resolution of insurance claims for E&O problems during the design process. This involved CPM and disruption analysis, plus coordinating outside counsel and other experts to support the contractor’s position.



On behalf of a piping manufacturer, analyzed the fabrication of piping components as an element of the fabrication and erection of HRSGs including the identification of aspects of the delay resulting from the actions of the various parties included in the project. Prepared an expert report, which led to settlement of the matter.


Experience Matters

Our experts are ready to help.

Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.