
Assisted with the development of a project management controls unit for a natural gas company. Prepared written findings and recommendations for establishing a project management controls unit and developing a project management methodology using a stage gate process.

Gas, Gasification, GTL, LNG, and NGL


Assisted with the development of a project management controls unit for a natural gas company. Prepared written findings and recommendations for establishing a project management controls unit and developing a project management methodology using a stage gate process.


United Kingdom

EPC design build of a 280 MW gas-fired combined cycle power expansion to a refinery brownfield site. Managed and directed contract administration and claims procedures team. Defended and negotiated a series of owner/subcontractor claims against the EPC contractor. Prepared a force majeure weather impact claim.



Prepared the detailed schedule for a multi-block combined cycle conversion project.



Prepared a detailed schedule for a two-unit “hybrid” power plant consisting of fluidized bed boilers, steam turbines, combustion turbines, and heat recovery units. Also developed multi-currency project cost systems to report consistent financial information in U.S. dollars while individual contracts fluctuated in multiple currencies.

Refineries, Petrochemical, and Chemical

Alberta, Canada

Analyzed damages for an owner defending numerous change order claims on an international oil refinery upgrade project. Provided critical assessments of the contractor’s pricing of its change order estimates.

Oil Sands

Alberta, Canada

Analyzed a major fire at an upgrader in Alberta that processed synthetic crude oil from an oil sands facility. The client, a major construction company and its insurer, was defending against liability for property damage and business interruption damages totaling $1 billion.


Experience Matters

Our experts are ready to help.

Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.