
On behalf of an owner, analyzed a mechanical contractor’s $7 million marine lien delay and disruption claim against a major oil company on an offshore oil production project. The claim involved the value of equipment, piping, and structural installations on two refurbished rigs.

Offshore Oil and Gas


On behalf of an owner, analyzed a mechanical contractor’s $7 million marine lien delay and disruption claim against a major oil company on an offshore oil production project. The claim involved the value of equipment, piping, and structural installations on two refurbished rigs.


New Brunswick, Canada

Assisted a general contractor in a $2 million dispute with the owner of a 200 MW power plant in New Brunswick. Issues involved increased labor costs associated with late delivery of owner-supplied equipment, late design information, and defective design information. The case was settled during negotiation on terms favorable to the client.

Pipelines and Utilities


On behalf of a compressor manufacturer, analyzed delay and performance problems on a gas compressor/pipeline project resulting in liquidated damages in excess of $50 million. This project involved ICC arbitration in Geneva, Switzerland.

Water, Wastewater, Dams, and Marine

Alberta, Canada

Prepared detailed as-planned and as-built schedule analyses for a contractor on a dam project. Participated in negotiations between the contractor and the Province of Alberta.

Refineries, Petrochemical, and Chemical


On behalf of an EPC contractor, analyzed the technical entitlement of over 400 change orders associated with an engineering and construction contractor’s $60 million claim on a magnesium oxide production plant. Determined the cause-effect relationships among the changed work and the resulting schedule impact and additional costs. Provided expert testimony at an ICC arbitration hearing in London. The contractor alleged that the FIDIC-based contract provided relief under the Variations clause. However, the owner argued that it was a fixed price contract, and no relief was available. Also analyzed the cause-effect relationship of improper operation by the owner and resulting poor magnesium oxide production from the facility.

Oil Sands

Alberta, Canada

On behalf of an insurance company, analyzed a $500 million claim for business interruption losses due to delays to the startup and commissioning of an upgrader refinery that was built to process synthetic crude oil from an oil sands production facility. The delays were allegedly caused by a fire at the oil sands production mine site, which delayed the transport of bitumen to the refinery through a 200-plus-mile pipeline. Prepared detailed CPM schedule analyses and an expert witness report. Designated as a CPM expert witness in support of the ICC arbitration in Alberta.


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Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.