Construction Insurance Claims Analysis
We provide property damage, business interruption, advance loss of profits, and delayed start-up claims analysis services. Our clients include insurance companies and owners who have experienced damage or delay to their plants as a result of fires, explosions, or other covered events.
Our construction insurance claims analysis services include:
Property Damage Claims
- Assessment of the reasonableness of the insured’s as‑planned rebuild schedule
- Analysis of rebuild expediting costs not covered under a property damage policy but covered under a business interruption policy
- Assessment of rebuild scope of work and costs to determine if improvements and betterments are inappropriately included in a construction insurance claim
- Determination of the minimum “normal-paced” duration of a planned rebuild schedule
- Assessment of whether concurrent turnaround and expansion project work also impacted the cost and duration of a rebuild project
- Quantification of rebuild expediting costs including: 1) extra engineering costs required to accelerate a rebuild project, 2) extra labor overtime premiums, 3) labor productivity losses due to extra overtime, shift work, crowding/high worker density conditions, concurrent maintenance and plant expansion work, or performance problems and execution errors not covered by the insurance policy, 4) extra construction equipment required to expedite a rebuild project, and 5) extra project management and supervision costs required to expedite a rebuild project
Business Interruption Claims
- Our business interruption experts prepare detailed critical path method schedule analyses to determine the impact of changes and other non‑insured work on the duration of a rebuild project
- If a loss occurred during the construction of a new or revamped project, business interruption evaluation of when the insured planned to begin production of saleable product prior to the insured event and whether that plan was reasonably achievable
- Determination of the “but-for” date when production of saleable product would have occurred absent the insured event
- Quantification of the delay duration to the start-up and production of saleable product caused by the insured event
- Assessment of whether other factors unrelated to the insured event, such as concurrent turnaround and expansion project work, also delayed the start-up
Advance Loss of Profits and Delayed Start-up Claims
- Assessment of the effect of delayed events on the quantification of advance loss of profits and delayed start-up claims
- Preparation of detailed critical path method schedule analyses to determine the impact of insured and non-insured delays on construction project duration
- Determination of the “but-for” date when production of saleable product would have occurred absent delays not covered by the policy
- Quantification of cost overruns due to discretionary change orders and other costs the policy does not cover
- Evaluation of whether project delays and cost overruns existed prior to the execution of the insurance policy that, if not disclosed by the insured to the insurers, may void the policy
Reconstruction Cost and Schedule Performance Monitoring
- Monitoring costs during project reconstruction to identify significant trends and evaluate the cumulative impact of changes on the cost of reconstruction
- Monitoring schedule performance during project reconstruction to identify significant schedule deviations and evaluate the cumulative impact of changes on the time of construction
- Assessment of realistic mechanical completion and start‑up forecast dates based on actual schedule performance during project reconstruction
Litigation and Arbitration Support
- Development of electronic document databases
- Preparation of expert witness reports and expert witness testimony
- Mediation support and testimony and preparation of trial or arbitration hearing presentation graphics, if necessary